Monday, May 11, 2015

The Last Unicorn

The Last Unicorn
Peter S. Beagle
Completed Date: 1/17/15
Rating out of 5: 5
Before you read too far, you should know that I don't do Synopsis type reviews - if you want a synopsis then you can go read the synopsis. What I want to do here is give my opinion of the book. **Spoilers may happen, but aren't likely**
“We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.”
The Last Unicorn is my favorite movie. I'm so glad I finally read the book! It's strange that I waited so long to read it. I almost always think any book is better than the movie version. Why did I think this would be any different? I don't know, but I hesitated to read this thinking that it would somehow diminish the love I have for my favorite movie. It didn't, and I love the book, too! The only thing this book was missing was the epic soundtrack! I loved reading this book and was able to visualize the characters and the landscapes from a much more adult point of view.
The basis for the story isn't necessarily unique. A story about a young girl, Amalthea, the unicorn, she feeling alone in the world, journeying to find others like herself and along the way learns that she is unique and finds herself too. She leaves the shelter of what she knows to face the unknown and discovers both beauty and evil in the world. This is a story that has been told a million different times in a million different ways. But not with unicorns and magicians and crazy butterflies or talking cats!
What makes this book a 5 star rating for me is absolutely the characters! Schmendrick is one of my all time fictional favorites. I can totally relate to him and how he thinks he knows what he wants. And have you even read of another character who gets engaged to a douglas fir tree? Molly is our anchor and advisor. Prince Lir is charming in that he plays the part of a hero, but didn't know why until he met her. The unicorn, though she may seem to be the main character, I think is really just a means to move the story along to meet everybody else. She plays a small, but vital role, in that she inspires to do and be more just be being around.
Must read for adults and kids, too.

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